Wednesday 28 July 2010

can i cry?

Assalamualaikum warahmarullah..

Allahumma solli 'ala Muhammad wa'ala aali Muhammad, kama sollayta 'ala Ibrahim wa'ala aali Ibrahim..

wa bareek aala Muhammad wa'ala aali Muhammad, kama barakta 'ala Ibrahim wa'ala aali Ibrahim..

kita disuruh kawal emosi. jangan buat keputusan ikut emosi. jangan emosi lebih2. biar rasional, jangan emosional. kalo gitu, apa gunenye ada emosi?

fitrah setiap manusia (dan makhluk2 len gak) untuk mempunyai emosi. emosi itu sifatnya rapuh. "brittle", ikut bahasa tok nenek korg. rapuhnya emosi tu, menyebabkan kalo kita emosi berlebih2an, senang utk entiti/makhluk len (aka musuh nyata kita sumer) menguasai diri. menguasai fikiran. tanpa fikiran, maka kita dah xda kawalan terhadap diri. bak kata tok nenek lagi, losing self-control. dat wat makes you not a normal human anymore.

then, nape Allah ciptakan emosi ni ntuk kita? nape Allah bolehkan kita ketawa? nape Allah jadikan air mata? kalo xleh kawal emosi, dah jadi manusia abnormal lak..

cuz without it, ur not a normal human too. with emotion, u create a new friendship. with emotion, u understand others. with emotion, u feel one of the greatest gift from Allah to the world, to you, the LOVE.

so, when the right time comes, just feel free to express urself. smile most of the time. cry sometimes. be happy always. but dont feel sad forever (humans optimum growing/working environment is when he/she feel relaxed, happy, satisfied). angry when u should be. love someone u think he/she deserves it.

but then remember, the most important point. Allah created us these wonderful feelings, so that we will always think of Him, who allows us to feel the emotion, whenever we feel happy, enjoy, sad, frustrated, pissed off, angry, confused, down.. He always with us all the time, no matter who you are!

p/s: post serabut. xde kronologi, xde cohesion+adhesion. sorry for any grammatical error. juz take the main point, ok? hee.

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